
Go programming language

Go Maps

A map maps keys to values.


A first example of working code;

package acronym

// Abbreviate function.
func Abbreviate(s string) string {
  // Solution based on Go Maps
  // map
  //   key   - string
  //   value - string
  m := make(map[string]string)

  m["Portable Network Graphics"] = "PNG"
  m["Ruby on Rails"] = "ROR"
  m["First In, First Out"] = "FIFO"
  m["GNU Image Manipulation Program"] = "GIMP"
  m["Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor"] = "CMOS"
  m["Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard That My Dogs Came Over And Licked Me"] = "ROTFLSHTMDCOALM"
  m["Something - I made up from thin air"] = "SIMUFTA"
  m["Halley's Comet"] = "HC"
  m["The Road _Not_ Taken"] = "TRNT"

  return m[s]